Writing resources to unearth your creativity

Share your knowledge and story with the world. Join the hunt with other writers, founders, and creators.

We need your ideas

There’s never been more writing online and yet we’re swimming in subpar content. Your audience deserves more. More insight. More engagement. More stories.

But unfortunately, writers all face the same challenges:

  • Distractions and procrastination

  • Too few ideas (or too many)

  • Consistency and discipline

  • Perfectionism

  • Self-doubt

That’s why Hunting the Muse exists: to inspire writers toward creative joy. 

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Your newsletter to hunt creative joy and personal growth
with creativity, storytelling, and marketing insights.

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Take a walk and look at everyone

How many people are arch-necked, stumbling through the streets, faces lit up by their phone screens? I’m willing to bet at least 70%.

If everyone’s constantly consuming, where are the creators? They’re generating ideas and developing their craft so we can learn from them. These people are small in number.

My name’s Tom, and my goal with Hunting the Muse is to help people like you leave a legacy with your words, so the rest of us can access your insights, experiences, and stories.

How? By helping you build writing habits, by sharing the storytelling methods of experts, and by showing you practices that guide you to your best ideas.

Because life’s too short to consume crappy content.

  • The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt to discover those jewels––that's creative living.

    Elizabeth Gilbert

  • Original minds are not distinguished by being the first to see a new thing, but instead by seeing the old, well-known thing, which is over-looked by everyone, as something new.

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  • A person who rarely gets bored, who does not constantly need a favourable external environment to enjoy the moment, has passed the test for achieving a creative life.

    Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

  • When we forget to use visualization and imagination, it is like not using our mind.

    Jose Silva

  • Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

    Albert Einstein

  • Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

    Pablo Picasso

  • The person who learns the most in any classroom is the teacher.

    James Clear

  • Successful people have fear, successful people have doubts, and successful people have worry. They just don’t let these feelings stop them.

    T. Harv Eker